Saturday, February 16, 2013

How Much to Charge for Blog Posts - Blogging Tips Weekly

It has been a while since my last Blogging Tips Weekly. Let's cut the crap and get started.


How much to charge for blog posts? 

If you write a beauty, fashion or skin care blog, you have been approached by advertisers. When they ask you to write a blog post, containing links that promote their businesses, how much should you charge?

First of all, blogging is hard work.

And you should absolutely charge for writing blog posts for others

However, you must write quality content, with relevant information that not only benefit advertisers but also help readers.

Determining a price for each blog post - my own formula:

There are many formulas out there. Just search the web. They are all valid, and I have used a few in the past. 

Recently, as more opportunities came, I started seriously thinking about the subject: perhaps I should create my own valuation, instead of blindly giving out a number (based on another person's experience)?

Why a formula?

Because now you can justify why you should get paid for the particular amount you asked for.

Also, when you create a more elaborate media kit (which I am working on), you have something to base it on.

Ready to start? Here are the steps:

Step 1: Determine Your Title

If you were looking for a real job, you'd start with a title, right? (Like "registered nurse" or "software developer.") Same goes for a blogging job, even if it is a one-time only post, on a hobby blog.

Like I said, blogging is hard work, so treat it like a real job.
I used "web writer" or "content writer." They sounded appropriate.

Step 2: Set Experience Level     

Also like job searching, you need an experience level. 

I know many of you started blogging a long time ago, but might have taken a while to become professional. I advise counting experience from when you began writing quality content.

Girlie Blog Seattle began in 2008, but I started providing valuable content only one year ago. Therefore, I am still at "entry level." 

** Note: you can also set experience level by PR number: 0 - 1 for entry level, 2 - 4 for junior, and so on. I didn't use this method because it felt aggressive.   

Step 3: Research Industry Salary

Now, go to websites like or to find the average salary for an entry level content writer.

Do realize that these salaries come from professionals with proper education. If you don't possess the same qualifications, then do as I did and settle for the lower end of the range.

Step 4: Convert to Hourly Rate already provides "hourly" rates. Otherwise, use the formula below:

<Yearly Salary> / 52 / 5 / 8

Mine came out to $20 per hour.  

Step 5: Estimate Effort

How long does it take for you to write, edit, and promote the post?

Usually, it takes me two hours to do everything.

Step 6: Conduct Final Calculation

$20 x 2 = $40

I shall charge $40 per paid blog post :O) And I have been since Jan.

But wait! It's not all about money.

Greed, one of the seven deadly sins, can drive a person nuts. 

Don't get caught up in the money.

Advertisers have budgets, and cannot always afford $40 per post. However, they can pay in other ways.

Two months ago, I created thorough and unique content for an advertiser for free, due to our history. (It was for her personal project.) Even though I did over two hours of work, it was worth it. Because not only did she promote my blog in return, she also offered me two paying opportunities a month later, when budget allowed.
Greed never gets you anywhere, but generosity does. Some people are out to exploit you -- beware of them -- but if you have an established relationship, a free post once in a while can only help you both.

Thanks again for reading.


No matter which formula you use, I wish you luck.


Did this post help you out? If so, how about a fb like or a tweet? 



  1. This is a great post and very informative, T! Hope you and your girls are doing well :)

  2. This was extremely helpful and exactly what I was searching for, thank youuuu once again :-)

  3. Love your tips! Blogging is fun but very time consuming...time is precious, especially with 2 little ones.

  4. Great tips and formula to determine the post rates! I have been MIA for some time, busy with NYFW and other stuff! Catching up now with my favorite blogs!:-) Hope you are having a wonderful day!
    PS. New post is up on my blog. Check it out whenever you get time!
    Style-Delights Blog

  5. I recently raised my rates from $50 to $75. I spend way more than two hours on a well written post, and my original pictures are pretty high quality too. When I wrote freelance articles for CBS Local and another local magazine, the pay was $50 bucks, minimum plus $10 per picture used. When I joined several networks (think BlogHer, Blogger 2 Blogger and Clever Girls (of which I am still signed on with) the pay is 50-150 bucks because the sponsors are corporate and they have deep pockets.

    Things sponsors consider for paid posts are certain keywords and links to their products, how much traffic your site gets (which is a big consideration, obviously) and how viral your post could be. If you have the right demographic a sponsor is trying to reach, that has extra value to it.

    I think you under value your content at just 40, T. You may take on more sponsored posts, but I think you could ask for, and get more. That's my two cents, for you.

  6. I don't always ask for money in exchange of a guest post - it depends on if the person approaching me is a company, a professional blogger or a "hobby blogger". Great tips, thanks!


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