Matching similar colors together is a great way to achieve a look. However, you can also apply shadow with just 1 color. By varying the heaviness of your stroke, you can lighten or darken just 1 shadow color, enabling multiple shades on the eyes.
Here I am using only 1 color: L'oreal Wear Infinite Eye Shadow Single in "Reflecting Pool".
These are the steps I took to achieve the look:
Step 1: Rub shadow onto your finger
Step 2: With your finger, apply shadow to entire lid and brow bone
Step 3: Use a shadow applicator, apply more of the eye shadow on just your lid, over your crease.
Be sure to apply more color as needed. Use a heavier stroke to create darker color.
Step 4: If you want to, also use applicator to line the bottom of your eyes with the same color
Step 5: Rim your eyes with a black liner
Step 6: Curl and apply mascara to lashes
Eye makeup with depth, all from 1 single eye shadow!
Quick, easy, and pretty painless!