In your thirties, you start seeing sun damage on your skin. Dark spots, uneven skin tone and crow's feet are just among the many symptoms. They are also the reason why I significantly cut down trips to the tanning booth, and I suggest you do the same. But fear not for your amazing bronze! The latest sunless products are not only easy to use, they actually give you a real tan, as in no strange orange coloring and no unsightly streaking.
In my bathroom, there is always a bottle of Neutrogena Micro Mist Airbrush Sunless Tan. The micro mist sprays on evenly and in about two to four hours your skin settles into a beautiful bronze.
For just about ten dollars, this sunless tanning tool is sold just about anywhere. Now you can look good without the risk of skin problems. What a treat!
One regret I do have is that in my twenties I should have taken more time for myself. Partly because of loneliness and partly because of boredom, I often filled my weekends and sometimes weekday nights out on the town. Even under exhaustion I felt obligated to be out and seen.
Now, though I still enjoy a fun night out, time for relaxation is much more sought after. On a very recent weekend, everything I did, I did for me: sleeping in til' noon, ordering Chinese and watching bad scary movies, steaming my face while blogging and web surfing, and of course cuddling with hubby and our little puppy. It was like a sweet escape to absolutely nowhere, and it was absolutely the best time!
Everyone gets into their day-to-day hectic routines without realizing how tired they can become. We are always doing something for someone else. It's time to do something for ourselves and just unwind. Be it meditation, lounging around or even cleaning the closet. Any time you spare for yourself can be healthily therapeutic. Perhaps after you recharge, you'll have the energy to dance the night away again!
Every season, a circle of beautiful young girls strive for the dream of becoming America's Next Top Model. Under careful surveillance of famous model Tyra Banks herself, these girls transform from ordinary to...something else.
Now on its 11th cycle, the show is still fresh of fashion, photo shoots and most importantly, bickering amongst the models.
My latest fave was a bitchy exchange of words between Bronx beauty Gina and stunning Seattlite Elina. Elina may have the winning look (the girl is so gorgeous that even her forearm tattoo looks sexy), but Gina can definitely put the smack down!
After so many years on the CW, the drama on America's Next Top Model just keeps on getting better. Plus, the girls are HOT, which makes this pleasure TV even more guilty to indulge!
You can lose your way in LIPSTICK JUNGLE, or wrap yourself with the CASHMERE MAFIA, but there is no show on TV that provides the same spunk, sex and empowerment for women like the original SEX AND THE CITY.
After years out of the spotlight, they are back - Samantha, Charlotte, Miranda, and our favorite shoe gal Carrie take the big stage alongside our beloved fifth lady, Manhattan.
Although 2 hours in a movie can never replace the details audience received from the show, it is one of the most entertaining films in 2008. Drama? Check! Fashion? Check! Sex? Of course! Did you really think they'd skimp you on the good stuff?
You don't have to be a fan of the show to enjoy SEX AND THE CITY, the movie. But you do have to love the women. Because there's a little of Samantha, Charlotte, Miranda and Carrie in all of us Girlie Girls!